Ramana’s Garden Newsletter 2011

Today is the final result day for our Ramana’s Garden’s school year. Parents who are veggie cart pullers, sweepers, and beggars stash their meager belongings under trees or behind broken walls and rush toward the school, adjusting their tattered saris and patched trousers to look their very best for this important day. As each student steps forward to receive their marks sheet and awards, their parents stand tall, eyes gleaming with pride and tears to see their children receiving a chance in a life they never had or dreamed possible. Without Ramana’s Garden, most of these children would be forced to work or beg in the street. Most of the parents are illiterate and still sign their names with a thumbprint. Their children now speak, read, and write fluent English. Their dreams are becoming a reality thanks to all of you out there who keep giving your love and support to us here.

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